Pret 101
A horror/comedy podcast
3 years ago

S1E1 - Hi, Phelicia

Welcome to Pret 101!

3 years ago

S1E2 - With A PH and a Smile

Phelicia meets her classmates

3 years ago

S1E3 - Bye, Phelica

Group Projects

3 years ago

S1E4 - The Inside Man

Gabe's real motivations become known.

3 years ago

S1E5 - Problems and Paletas

A study Meeting ends in trouble

2 years ago

S1E6 - Team Kill For the Win

Another study meeting

2 years ago

S1E7 - Lala's Leadership

A new team leader!

2 years ago

S1E8 - LalaLost

Lala strikes out on her own.

2 years ago

S1E9 - And a Sweet Roll

Gabe and Arden meet Lala's mom.

2 years ago

S1E10 - Spider Senses

The Hunt for Lala begins